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Kdindie is a performance designer making architectures

at the intersection of dance, theater and technology.

Choreographer and movement educator embodies characters

from indigenous cultures with a queer decolonial approach,

in a quest for the cosmic common sense of human diversities.


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About them/their/it


Kdindie is a digital self, a trinary identity encoding my three trademarks Kaartik, Denny and indiemotion.

Learn more about my algorithm #kdindie




Denny Fiorino is my legal birth name,

born in 1980 from an italian father and polish mother in the mitteleuropean city of Trieste. There i graduated in architecture and interior design at the Art Institute, later in theater and performing arts at DAMS University. Studied theater acting at Alessandra Galante Garrone School in Bologna and contemporary dance at Merce Cunningham Studio in New York.

Partecipated at interdisciplinary residencies of music, dance and media art at the Institut für Architektur und Medien IAM University, Graz (Austria).


Live act at cultural institutions:

Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin; Marta Herford Museum, Herford; PHI Centre, Biennale Venice; IAM University, Graz; MNT Tartini Conservatory of Music, Trieste; Centro Culturale Candiani, Venice.



Punchdrunk International, Venice; Cadmium Compagnie, Paris; Moving Breath, Italy/Germany; Fabbrica delle Bucce, Italy/Greece;



FASE X by Centro Umbro Residenze Artistiche, online; Contaminazioni Digitali by Quarantasettezeroquattro, Gorizia; Echo Viva by Petit Soleil/Envision Theater/Cadmium Compagnie, Udine







Kaartik is my spiritual name received in 2009 as a certified Yoga teacher by my Guru at ICYER in Pondicherry (India). Its meaning is "son of the Pleiades", related to Kartikeya the original name of the hindu god of war. I've emerged with this name as an educator of Yoga and sacred devotional dances. After studied extensively BharataNatyam classical indian dance and Yoga Therapy with my Guru Ujwal Bhole, studied Hula ancient hawaiian dance and Huna healing art at Kalani Honua educational center in Hawaii. Completed my studies of Art Therapy at SIAF Accademia di Maestria, Trieste.


Performance at Festivals:

Boom Festival, Portugal; 48 Stunden Neukölln, Berlin; Trieste Science+Fiction / Danceproject / Energia dei Luoghi / Robotics, Trieste; Invisible Cities / Strofe Dipinte di Jazz / Aeson, Friuli Venezia Giulia; Vicino Lontano / Far East Film Festival, Udine; InsOrti, Bologna;



Fade Out Label / Streetware Saved Item / Tatsuru Arai, Berlin; Giuliana Balbi / Elisa Zurlo / Fabiola Faidiga / Sadam Fujioka / Luisa De Santi / Mauro Martoriati / Pax Vaira / Alexey Grankowsky, Trieste; Namsal Siedlecki / Deltaprocess, Udine. 





indiemotion is my creative platform 

since 2006 producing performance art through an ecosystem of community events and movement education. The creative method linking modern somatic practices, ancient sacred dances and yoga ethics through their common codes. The inter-in-dependece i found between world indigenous traditions inspired me to develop a collaborative process for bridging diverse communities.


Performance production:

Bharatech; NauTramBus; Nommo; 7ME; 5Klesha; The Spirit of Bharata.



Reduplicants with Gruppo 78; Imago Cells with Crochetdoll; Embody with Deltaprocess.


Community events:

Mayer Pavilion / Heizhaus, Berlin;

Ecstatic Dance Italy; Bloom Network / PAG Progetto Area Giovani, Trieste; YurtSunFest / Dancing in the Streets / Yomad, Slovenia / Kalani Honua, Big Island Hawaii.


Education at cultural institutions:

Civic Academy of Dramatic Art Nico Pepe, Udine; Centro Teatrale di Ricerca, Venezia; Centro Teatro Animazione, Friuli Venezia-Giulia; Spazi Urbani in Gioco, Comune di Trieste; Accademia di Maestria, Trieste



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